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One of the biggest reasons for Bully Breed discrimination is the biased narrative consistently presented by the media.
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Bully Breed Facts and Information

What is a "Pit Bull"?
"Pit Bull" is not an official breed, but rather, a general term used to describe dogs belonging to one of four different breeds...
What is a "Pit Bull"?
"Pit Bull" is not an official breed, but rather, a general term used to describe dogs belonging to one of four different breeds...

The TRUTH about "Pit Bulls"
"Pit Bulls". They sure do have a bad reputation. Laws regulate where they can live, people turn their noses up at them in the streets, and a good deal of...
The TRUTH about "Pit Bulls"
"Pit Bulls". They sure do have a bad reputation. Laws regulate where they can live, people turn their noses up at them in the streets, and a good deal of...

A brief history of "Pit Bulls"
The modern "Pit Bull" began in the early 19th century when Olde English Bulldogs were bred with Olde English Terriers, creating a generic type of dog known as "Bull and Terriers"...
A brief history of "Pit Bulls"
The modern "Pit Bull" began in the early 19th century when Olde English Bulldogs were bred with Olde English Terriers, creating a generic type of dog known as "Bull and Terriers"...

Know your breed - No dog is "for everyone"
We do not sugarcoat or shy away from the fact that "Pit Bulls" are not "for everyone". The truth is, no dog is. "Pit Bulls" are (generally) big, muscular dogs,...
Know your breed - No dog is "for everyone"
We do not sugarcoat or shy away from the fact that "Pit Bulls" are not "for everyone". The truth is, no dog is. "Pit Bulls" are (generally) big, muscular dogs,...

Modern "Pit Bull" Dogfighting
Dogfighting is an atrocious and cowardly act of abuse that is still performed today in significant numbers. "Pit Bulls", sadly, take the extreme brunt of this abuse, accounting for the vast majority of...
Modern "Pit Bull" Dogfighting
Dogfighting is an atrocious and cowardly act of abuse that is still performed today in significant numbers. "Pit Bulls", sadly, take the extreme brunt of this abuse, accounting for the vast majority of...

Teach your children (and yourself) well
A great deal of dog attacks could be prevented through knowledge...
Teach your children (and yourself) well
A great deal of dog attacks could be prevented through knowledge...