You are more likely to...

You are more likely to...

All dogs bite. So, all dogs, including "Pit Bulls", have the potential to bite or to be aggressive.

Still, your odds of being fatally attacked by a "Pit Bull" (or ANY dog) are incredibly slim (1 in 112,400 for ALL dogs, including "Pit Bulls").

You only have roughly a 5% chance of being bitten by ANY dog (again, this includes ALL dogs, including "Pit Bulls"), and you are more likely to die from:

- contact with hornets/wasps

- a firearm discharge

- a cataclysmic storm 

- a fall down the steps

- a lightening strike

- the bite of another animal (non-dog)

- taking aspirin

... than you are to be fatally attacked by any/all dogs (including "Pit Bulls").

We in no way intend to minimize the trauma of attacks when they do occur, and our hearts go out to anyone who has ever experienced a dog attack. 

We do, however, think it important to illustrate that these incidents occur far less frequently than the media would have you believe, and that they do not justify the discrimination, stereotyping, and abuse of millions of innocent animals.

*Source: National Safety Council

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