The Truth About Ear Cropping

The Truth About Ear Cropping

"Pit Bulls" are among the few breeds who frequently have their ears cropped.

Ear cropping is a cruel procedure that serves no benefit for dogs. This procedure involves cutting off the floppy part of the dog's ear ("pit bulls" naturally have ears more like a lab), and then bracing the ears for weeks to get them to stand up straight.

Most often, the procedure is not performed by a professional, and as a result it involves a great deal of pain, as dogs are not properly anesthetized and crude implements (scissors, razor blades, etc.) are commonly used to cut the ears. 

Originally, the practice was developed as a means of attempting to reduce the potential for injury from a predator or other dog when hunting, working or fighting.

Today, ear cropping is performed most often for appearance, though some still falsely believe that ear cropping can benefit a dog's hearing or ear health (these beliefs have been shown to not have any scientific validity).

Sadly, certain breed standards also encourage ear cropping for show dogs, and the AKC accepts the practice.

*We would NEVER shame a dog with cropped ears, nor would we shame the owner of a dog with cropped ears, as they are very often not the original owner or the perpetrator of this terrible act.  

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